So hopefully these are all the books that Ive read in 2009.
- Fade
- Leaving Paradise
- Darkest Whisper
- Two way street
- Hush Hush
- Catching Fire
- Shiver
- Blood Promise
- Intertwine
- Claymore(manga)
- Grendel
- Fire
- Ravemaster (manga)
- Akumetsu (manga)
- Blue Kiss
- Blue Moon
- Dark Warrior Unleashed
- Dark Warrior Unbroken
- Chronicles of Vladimir Tod: Tenth Grade Slays
- Bloodfever
- Dreamfever
- Faefever
- Dream Feaver
- Pleasure Unbound
- Desire Unchained
- Passion Unleashed
- Chronicles of Vladimir Tod: Eighth Grade Bites
- Chronicles of Vladimir Tod: Ninth grades Bleeds
- Stealing Heaven
- Wake
- Mai-Hime (manga)
- The God Box
- Rick and Bobo
- Reincarnation
- Strange Angels
- Yume De Aetera (manga)
- Midnight Secretary
- My sisters Keeper
- Inner light: The Dragon within
- Lover Awakened
- Winter Queen
- Dragons Fire
- One Piece(manga)
- The Duende and the Muse
- Web of Deciet
- Waiting for You
- Ashes of Midnight
- Raven
- City of Glass
- Kissing Annabel
- Dark Lover
- Lover Eternal
- Lover Revealed
- Lover Unbound
- Lover Enshrined
- Crank
- Suzuka (manga)
- Parallel (manga)
- In your room
- Cracked up to be
- The Wave
- Stargazer
- Evermore
- Kiss of Fate
- Warrior Princess
- Perfect Chemistry
- Bleach (manga)
- Bleed
- Need
- Bloom
- Evernight
- Impossible
- Ink Exchange
- Midnight Veil
- Darkness Unknown
- Deadly Little Secrets
- What would Emma Do
- What my mother doesnt Know
- What my Girlfriend doesnt know
- One of those hideous books where the mother dies
- Girl in the Arena
- Winter Kiss
- Demon King
- The Covet
- Stray
- Darkest Kiss
- Way of the Shadow
- Shadows Edge
- Beyond the Shadow
- Jennifer Governmeny
- Fragile Eternity
- Deadly little Lies
- Demon Kiss
- Dragon Heir
- Shadowland
- Audrey wait
- Naruto (manga)
- Kiss of Fire
- Kiss of Fury
- A little friendly advice
That should be all the books I read in 2009 =] cant wait to see what i read this year